Walter and Rose Sampson Promise

The Walter and Rose Sampson Promise is built on the belief that education is the key to achieving dreams and changing lives. It was established by a generous gift from Walter and Rose Sampson in collaboration with the Pattee Foundation, Twomey Foundation, United School District Foundation, Monmouth-Roseville Foundation and many others.

Walter and Rose Sampson Promise will pay up to 16 credits of tuition per semester, up to a maximum of 64 credits for post-secondary education toward a degree or certificate from Carl Sandburg College. It is a last-dollar grant, which means the student must apply for federal and state financial aid as well as other scholarships. The Walter and Rose Sampson Promise will provide the remainder of tuition after other financial aid, according to an arranged percentage based on the number of years of qualifying attendance. 



  • Students who have previously filed a Promise application do not have to reapply for the scholarship in future years.
  • Returning students must still fulfill the two additional scholarship applications (the General Sandburg Scholarship Application fulfills this requirement) and must also complete the FAFSA®.


  • Graduates from United High School, Monmouth-Roseville High School or home-schooled students within the district boundaries
  • Submit the initial application for the scholarship the year you graduate or the following year. 
  • Limited to 64 credits paid under the award.
  • Enroll in a post-secondary education program that will result in a degree or certificate from Carl Sandburg College.



**Funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis upon completion of the steps below. Apply early as eligible students could exceed the money available. Sandburg recommends students file the FAFSA® by December 1 for potential MAP Grant funding.


Steps to apply


  1. Apply to Sandburg at Application for Admissions.
  2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®).
  3. Apply for Walter and Rose Sampson Promise: mySandburg > Student Apps/Scholarship Application > Walter and Rose Sampson Promise Application.
  4. Apply for Foundation scholarships: mySandburg > Student Apps/Scholarship Application > Carl Sandburg College Scholarship Application, or apply for two outside scholarships, and submit proof of application. Foundation Scholarship application dates are October 1 to June 15.
  5. Submit official high school transcripts (7th semester accepted for awarding) by mailing to:

    Carl Sandburg College
    Attn: Admissions
    2400 Tom L. Wilson Blvd.
    Galesburg, IL 61401

    A final high school transcript verifying graduation is required before funds can be applied to the student's account.
  6. Submit financial aid required documents. 

If you've applied for Promise at least once and were eligible, you may follow the steps below to renew your Promise scholarship. (You don't need to submit a new Promise application.)



  1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®).
  2. Apply for Foundation scholarships: mySandburg > Student Apps/Scholarship Application > Carl Sandburg College Scholarship Application, or apply for two outside scholarships and submit proof of application. Foundation Scholarship application dates are October 1 to June 15.
  3. Submit financial aid required documents. 



Scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible students as long as funds are available. Complete your financial aid applications as soon as possible to secure funding.



  • Maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA and successfully complete 67% of your cumulative hours enrolled. If your GPA or completion rate falls below the requirements, your award will not be applied to charges. 
  • Enroll in a minimum of 9 credit hours (excluding summer). 



Do all students receive the same financial benefit?
No. The benefit is based on your length of attendance at any school in the United or Monmouth-Roseville School District boundaries, including home-schooled students. The Walter and Rose Sampson Promise benefit is prorated based on your length of attendance using the following scale:   
13 grades (K-12)   100%
12 grades    95%
11 grades    90%
10 grades    85%
9 grades     80%
8 grades    75%
7 grades    70%
6 grades    65%
5 grades    60%
4 grades    55%
3 grades    50%
Fewer than 3 grades      0%    

The length of attendance is the total of full grades you completed in school while living in the United or Monmouth-Roseville School District boundaries verified through school records. The percentage is the amount of tuition reduction that will be applied to the student’s account, up to a maximum of 16 hours each semester. 


How do we document home school for the Walter and Rose Sampson Promise?
If you've been home schooled, you'' need to provide documentation to show what years you were homeschooled, transcripts from any courses taken outside of homeschool and documentation of your family residence. Documentation may include tax returns, property tax documents, documentation from the City Assessor's office showing years of ownership/occupancy and address. A signed statement from the parent to certify the years of home schooling and the location of the home schooling. 


What if I'm not covered for a 100% attendance benefit?
You're responsible for fees, books and the percent of tuition not covered by the Walter and Rose Sampson Promise. For example, if a student has completed nine grades then the Walter and Rose Sampson Promise will cover 80% of tuition. The student will be responsible for the remaining 20% of tuition plus any fees listed on the statement. Scholarships or grants awarded to you will reduce the Walter and Rose Sampson Promise to allow funding to remain available for future generations. To make arrangements for payment, please contact the Business Office at 309.341.5210. 


How do I calculate how much Sampson Promise I'm eligible for?

You can use the form found here to calculate your Sampson Promise funds.


Payment example

  • Tuition: $2,000
  • Fees: $175
  • Outside scholarship: $500
  • Walter and Rose Sampson Promise 80% award
    • Tuition: $2,000 
    • Fees: $175
    • Student pays all fees.
    • Scholarship and other aid: $500 
    • Walter and Rose Sampson Promise: $1,100 ($2,000 x 80% = $1,600 less $500 other aid)
    • Balance due: $575 student amount due


How long am I eligible to receive the Walter and Rose Sampson Promise?
Your first application for the Walter and Rose Sampson Promise Scholarship is due by June 15 of the year you graduate from high school or the year following high school graduation. You may receive Promise for a total of three years or a maximum of 64 credit hours, or whichever comes first. See the Steps to Apply for Returning Students above.


Does the Walter and Rose Sampson Promise cover the cost of books and fees?
No. The Walter and Rose Sampson Promise is applied to tuition, and the student is responsible for fees and book costs. 


Do I have to be a full-time student to receive the Walter and Rose Sampson Promise?
No.  Fall and Spring semesters, minimum enrollment is 9 credit hours. The Walter and Rose Sampson Promise will pay for a maximum of 16 hours each semester.  The minimum enrollment requirement does not apply to the Summer semester. 


What if I decide not to attend after I have signed up for classes?
If you decide not to attend after signing up for classes, you must officially drop your classes before the refund date. Refund dates vary based on the class. You can find the refund date for each course on the class schedule. If you fail to withdraw before the refund date, you may be held financially obligated for the cost of the classes


Will the Walter and Rose Sampson Promise cover tuition for dual-credit courses?
No. Students must have graduated from high school. 


Will summer classes be covered by the Walter and Rose Sampson Promise?
Yes; however, students must attend the previous spring semester in the Promise Program to qualify for summer-session funds.


How is the funding for the scholarship administered?
Funds are limited. Awards are made on a first-come, first-served basis upon completion of the Steps to apply


Is there an application date for mid-term graduates?
If you are a mid-year high school graduate and intend to enroll at Sandburg for the following Spring semester, but you did not apply for the Promise during your junior year of high school, you may petition the Financial Aid Office by December 15 for consideration.