Forms and Resources

Contact the Faculty Teaching & Learning Center:


Phone: 309.341.5438

Special appointments available upon request.

Concourse Syllabus Template 

How-to videos are listed below including the length of video.

Please note: To import content from the previous semester to the current semester, use the option "copy."

Broad Overview (12 minutes)

Creating the Concourse Syllabus in Moodle (1.45 minutes)

(now use Concourse Syllabus Template icon found under create learning activity)

Editing or Importing to Concourse Syllabus (2 minutes)

(now use COPY, not IMPORT)

Meeting Times added to Concourse Syllabus (1.3 minutes)

Contact Information and Office Hours added to Concourse Syllabus (3 minutes)

Course Description and Prerequisites to Concourse Syllabus (1 minute)

Adding Course Objectives to Concourse Syllabus (1 minute)

Adding Materials (Books and Others) to Concourse Syllabus (2 minutes)

Adding Course Evaluation to Concourse Syllabus (6.30 minutes)

Adding Course Policies to Concourse Syllabus (2.45 minutes)

Calculating Student Time Obligation and adding to Concourse Syllabus (1.30 minutes) use through Summer 2023!

Calculating Student Time Obligation and adding to Concourse Syllabus (new-Fall  2023)

Adding Course Schedule to Concourse Syllabus (4.30 minutes)

Institutional Policies/ Adding and Deleting Sections (2 minutes)

Submitting Syllabus for Review (1.5 minutes)

Instructor Forms and Resources

Accessibility guidelines
Accessibility Review Form and Online Course Design-Redesign Evaluation Review Form

For ease of use, the Accessibility Review Form and Online Course Design-Redesign Evaluation Review Form have been combined. Please note: If you don't teach online, you will be given an option to "skip" this section of the review form!

Instructor Course Accessibility and Online Course Design-Redesign Evaluation Form
Open LMS
Open education resources
Technology Innovation Grant 
Technology equipment-software request