A diverse group of 9 students and faculty

The Office of Diversity works with the Carl Sandburg College community to cultivate appreciation and respect for all human differences. At Sandburg, we strive to create social justice and to treat all people with respect, honoring human dignity. We also recognize the importance of inclusion — allowing space for multiple perspectives and narratives as an integral component of appreciating diversity.

Through formal and informal educational programs, the Office of Diversity engages students, faculty, and staff — as individuals and in the community — to reflect on and learn about, complex issues that either impede or facilitate social justice. The coordinator of diversity also advises and mentors underrepresented students on an individual and organizational basis. Additionally, the office collaborates with other programs and departments to ensure that we are engaged in diversity and practicing inclusion campus-wide.


Hall of Flags

Sandburg celebrates the rich diversity of our student body through a Hall of Flags display. This display represents the states and countries our students call home.


Office of Diversity and Inclusion events

Hispanic Latino Heritage Month

A celebrated holiday from September 15 through October 15. It celebrates the culture, heritage, and facts about the Hispanic Latino culture that is highlighted by our annual Hispanic Heritage Month Taste.

International Student Week and International Student Day

International Student Week and International Student Day takes place on or around November 17th and is held to celebrate the international student and their impact on the world. The African Student Association and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion hold several on-campus events celebrating and educating others of the world-wide impact of education. 

Black History Month

Black History Month is a celebration of Black History in the month of February. It is a month of the event surrounding the African American culture, heritage, and facts of African Americans that is highlighted by our annual Black History Month Soul Food Taste.

Women's History Month

Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history. Several activities celebrating the contributions of women are held on campus and off campus spearheaded by Women of Character members. 


Office of Diversity and Inclusion programs


Black Student Association

The Black Student Association (BSA) is an organization focused on providing a better scholastic, cultural, political, and social life for students of color at Carl Sandburg College. The organization strives to enhance the general welfare of all culturally diverse populations while promoting high scholastic standards and nurturing unity and pride among African American students.

BSA also is concerned with the entire student population and its diversity and is here to be of service to the minds and bodies of the entire community on campus and off. All bold, bright, and brave students can unite under the organization to act in a concerted effort to improve multiculturalism at Sandburg, and all the issues and concerns that lie within that term in the new millennium. Open to all students of all cultures to promote intercultural communication and friendships.


African Student Association

The primary purpose of the Carl Sandburg College African Student Association (ASA) is to spread African culture to Carl Sandburg College's campus and the surrounding community. We aim to educate, empower, motivate, and enrich the student body for the purpose of community and global unity. We work to share the culture and traditions of the African nations that are represented within the organization as we are committed to the integration of African students on campus. Through constructive student engagement, we will foster a better understanding of each other and the issues affecting Africa. The African Student Association's vision is to give students a global perspective and an appreciation for African culture. 
Becoming a member of the African Student Association (ASA) will allow you to actively aid in spreading the mission, as well as vision statement. You will receive the opportunity to get educated and simultaneously educate others on African culture. Open to all students of all cultures to promote intercultural communication and friendships. 


Hispanic Latino Student Association (HLSA)

The Hispanic Latino Student Association (HLSA) at Carl Sandburg College was established to address the need for representation, understanding, and appreciation of the Hispanic-Latino culture, people, and language on campus.

HLSA's mission is to:

  • Secure representation and status of Hispanic-Latinos on campus.
  • Educate the university community about issues of importance to Hispanic-Latino people.
  • Facilitate interaction between people of all cultures.
  • Provide academic, social, and philanthropic activities with the goal of breaking down cultural barriers while creating friendship and understanding.

This student organization shares the rich culture and heritage of Hispanic-Latino students and establishes cross-cultural communication between other cultures. To provide academic and social activities benefiting the Hispanic-Latino students in the community. Open to all students of all cultures to promote intercultural communication and friendships.


El Latino Asociación de Estudiantes Hispanos (HLSA)

Carl Sandburg College fue establecido como un esfuerzo para hacer frente a la necesidad de representación, entendimiento y apreciación de la cultura hispano-latina, la gente y el lenguaje en el campus. La misión de HLSA es asegurar la representación y la situación de los hispano-latinos en el campus, para educar a la comunidad universitaria sobre temas de importancia para los hispanos-latinos, para facilitar la interacción entre las personas de todas las culturas, para ofrecer actividades académicas, sociales y filantrópicas con el objetivo de romper las barreras culturales, mientras que la creación de la amistad y el entendimiento.

Esta organización estudiantil se centra en proporcionar un deseo de compartir la rica cultura y el patrimonio de los estudiantes latinos hispanos y para establecer la comunicación intercultural entre otras culturas. Proporcionar actividades académicas y sociales que beneficien a los estudiantes hispanos-latinos en la comunidad. Abierto a todos los estudiantes de todas las culturas con el fin de promover la comunicación y la amistad intercultural.


Men of Distinction and Women of Character Honorary Organizations

Men of Distinction (ΜΟD) and Women of Character (WOC) are premier honorary organizations focused primarily on building relationships with first- and second-year students to help them become successful throughout their college experience. These organizations stand for excellence, collaboration, integrity, and respect.

The purpose of ΜΟD and WOC is to continually strengthen bonds between students, and develop leaders through community service while increasing cultural awareness both academically and socially at Carl Sandburg College’s campus and throughout the community.

Membership is open, during the first three weeks of each semester, to any currently enrolled student in a university transfer program, specialized university transfer program, general degree program, career certificate, applied science degree, or advanced certificate program offered at Carl Sandburg College. Members must also be enrolled in a minimum of nine credit hours at the time of membership and should be focused on successfully completing the program in which they are enrolled. Members will also be expected to actively participate in group activities which will include study hours, peer mentoring, community service, and participation in campus events.

Men of Distinction application

Women of Character application 


HLSA, BSA, and ASA Membership Application