Our mission

Our mission is to provide a safe and secure community in which the college may carry out its educational mission.

The Carl Sandburg College Department of Public Safety is located in Building D and Building B next to the bookstore. With the exception of the director and coordinator of public safety, public safety officers are not sworn Illinois police officers and, as a result, do not have arrest powers. The Carl Sandburg College Department of Public Safety staff frequently works with the Galesburg Police Department. The two agencies cooperate whenever possible on investigations and crime prevention programs to provide the best possible services to our campus and local communities.

Public Safety officers patrol the campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They respond to emergencies, call for service, walk through the campus buildings, provide escorts and staff special events.


Policies & information


  • History — Jeanne Clery was a 19-year-old student at Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, in 1986 when she was assaulted and murdered in her dorm room. Following her death, her parents lobbied Pennsylvania lawmakers for legislation requiring colleges and universities to publish their crime statistics. The first such bill was signed into law in 1988 mandating that all state colleges and universities annually publish the latest three years' campus crime statistics. Successive federal bills expanded the program nationwide and in 1998 the Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act was formally renamed in memory of Jeanne Clery. The Annual Security Report encompasses all the information found under the “Campus Public Safety” topic of the Carl Sandburg College website.

  • Compliance — Carl Sandburg College willingly complies with all aspects of the Clery Act and to that end annually publishes and otherwise makes available all the various crime statistics, statements on-campus security and policy and related information on crime, methods of reporting and assistance available to all students, faculty and staff associated with this institution.

  • Availability of information — The annual Clery Report can be found on the Carl Sandburg College website and can also be found in the office of the director of public safety at the Galesburg campus and the main office of the Carthage campus. Additionally, in compliance with the Clery Act, each campus has available a Campus Crime Log for the current school year with information on current criminal activity. This information is available to students, parents, faculty and staff and is also maintained in the office of the director of public safety.


The Clery Act requires colleges and universities to report on seven basic categories of crime. These are the same seven categories contained in the Federal Uniform Crime Report as compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. These categories are as follows:

  • Criminal homicide — Murder, negligent and non-negligent manslaughter
  • Sex offenses — forcible and non-forcible
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault
  • Burglary
  • Arson
  • Motor vehicle theft

Additionally, the Clery Act requires colleges and universities to report on arrests and/or disciplinary referrals for the following: Liquor law violations, drug law violations and illegal weapons possession.

Also, Sandburg is required to report the following crimes:

  • Domestic violence
  • Dating violence
  • Stalking complaints

The Clery Act also requires an accounting of hate crimes reported as happening on campus or public property abutting campus.

  • Carl Sandburg College, in addition to compiling its own figures, requests crime figures from law enforcement agencies whose jurisdiction encompasses or abuts the college campuses. This information is incorporated into the Clery Act tables. All figures are for the three calendar years immediately preceding the publication year. Any questions can be addressed to the director of public safety at 309.341.5325
  • The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) Public Law 110-315 — the effective date of this Act is August 14, 2008. The Act requires each institution governed by the Jeanne Clery Act to immediately notify the campus community upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students and staff on campus. Carl Sandburg College fully complies with HEOA and in furtherance of that compliance has installed and activated a public address system at each campus. (The Act does provide that warnings may be withheld if they would compromise efforts to contain the emergency, however, CCAC will make every effort to provide critical information in a timely manner.)
  • The HEOA requires a statement as to the existence of agreements between the institution and local and state law enforcement. Carl Sandburg College and its Campus Public Safety personnel enjoy a close working relationship with local and State Police, especially the City of Galesburg Police and the Knox County Sheriff’s Department, for the investigation of all criminal acts on or near the campuses and satellite locations of the College.


Institutional security policies and crime statistics
Security police PDF document

Clery Crime Reports Below:

2024 Crime Report covering 2023

2023 Crime Report covering 2022

2022 Crime Report covering 2021

2021 Crime Report covering 2020

Emergency call boxes

The college has 26 emergency call boxes located across the campus. If you need assistance or have an emergency, you may reach security by pressing the button on any of the emergency call boxes located inside and outside our campus, and stating your location and the nature of the call. The dispatch/Public Safety operator will then dispatch a Carl Sandburg Public Safety officer to respond or contact the Galesburg Public safety dispatcher based on the nature of the call.

Inside Emergency call boxes                    Outside emergency call boxes

Inside emergency phone Outside emergency phones


Emergency phone locations
EP number Phone location
EP-1 Outside the G building
EP-2 Outside the childcare parking lot
EP-3 Lower A building college prep. center back hallway
EP-4 Upper A building classrooms by front doors
EP-5 Outside the NE corner A bldg. by parking lot
EP-6 Outside lakeside B bldg.
EP-7 North corridor B bldg.
EP-8 South lobby B bldg. by Cyber Café
EP-9 Outside B SW A parking lot by bookstore
EP-10 Outside West end of B parking lot
EP-11 Outside middle of C parking lot
EP-12 Outside Circle Dr. main entrance
EP-13 Outside NW corner E/F parking lot
EP-14 Main lobby F building/gym
EP-15 Outside E & F connector
EP-16 Across from Loft Café by west door to patio
EP-17 D lobby by men's restroom
EP-18 Lower C hallway
EP-19 Elevator main lobby D bldg.
EP-20 East C lobby at top of steps
EP-21 On wall outside of personnel
EP-22 H building inside hallway
EP-23 AA building Allied center hallway
EP-24 Rear E building hall elevator
EP-25 Annex elevator
EP-26 Baseball field main campus

Carl Sandburg College is committed to providing a secure and welcoming campus environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors. The following information highlights measures in place at Carl Sandburg College to guard and protect the campus population as well as personal safety tips to help avert acts of violence.


Reporting emergencies

All emergencies on campus are to be reported to Carl Sandburg College dispatcher by dialing 5499 from a campus phone or 309.341.5499 from a cell phone. Dialing 911 on a cell phone will connect to local emergency authorities, and may delay a response from campus security, local law enforcement and emergency response personnel. Be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Your name
  • Nature of the emergency
  • Location of the emergency or victim, or suspect or suspicious activity
  • The phone number fro which you're calling if a cell phone
  • Stay on the line until the dispatcher says you can hang up.

Reporting suspicious behavior

When campus personnel witness behavior they believe may lead to a crime or violent situation, they should also report it to the Carl Sandburg College dispatcher by calling 5499. Such behavior may include the following:

  • A suspicious person loitering
  • A suspicious person using binoculars or night vision devices
  • A person acting furtively and suspiciously (e.g., trying not to be noticed)
  • A person departing quickly when seen or approached
  • A person in a place they don’t seem to belong
  • A strong odor coming from a building or a vehicle
  • An overloaded vehicle or vehicle in an unexpected location
  • Fluid leaking from a vehicle, other than the engine or gas tank
  • Person overdressed for the weather

Students: Reporting concerns of unhealthy or dangerous patterns of behavior

Carl Sandburg College students have multiple avenues for seeking assistance including administration, faculty, staff or campus security. However, if a student is concerned about another student's pattern of behavior, they can report their concerns to the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT), a team of administrative professionals tasked with evaluating and acting upon, as necessary, reported unhealthy or dangerous behavior exhibited by Carl Sandburg College students.
Such behaviors may include the following:

  • Creating disruptions in class, residence halls, offices or other campus locations
  • Intimidating faculty, staff and/or students
  • Stalking
  • Acting in a frightening or threatening behavior
  • Communicating in a manner that indicates loss of touch with reality
  • Suggesting intent to harm self or others
  • Evidence of repeated drug or alcohol abuse

Faculty/staff: Reporting concerns of threatening or dangerous behavior

A Behavioral Intervention/Threat Assessment Team has been assembled and chartered to evaluate and act upon, as necessary, reported threatening and/or dangerous behaviors exhibited by Carl Sandburg College employees. Such behaviors may include the following:

  • Suggesting intent to harm self or others
  • Creating disruptions in the work environment
  • Intimidating other faculty, staff or students
  • Stalking or following someone with the intent to harass, intimidate, harm or cause other malicious activity
  • Acting in a frightening or threatening manner

General tips for personal safety

  • Avoid walking alone at night and attempt to walk on main walkways/illuminated areas.
  • Maintain a constant awareness of your surroundings.
  • Do not prop doors open.
  • Keep vehicles locked.
  • Be careful about the information you share online.
  • Be smart about alcohol and other drugs.

TITLE 20 > CHAPTER 28 > SUBCHAPTER IV > Part F > § 1092
To look at the whole document Chapter 28PDF document.

  • Disclosure of campus security policy and campus crime statistics
  • Disclosure of law enforcement authority of campus
  • Disclosure of security programs to inform students about the prevention of crime

Dispatch/Public Safety operator

Emergency: 5499 | 309.341.5499
Non-emergency: 5304 | 309.341.5304

Information: “0” from any campus extension

Doug Sampson, Chief Safety Officer:

Galesburg Public Safety Building:
Emergency: 911
Non-emergency: 309.343.9151

Illinois State Police District 7 (Galesburg)
Non-emergency: 309.752.4915

Illinois State Police District 14 (Bushnell/Carthage)
Non-emergency: 309.833.4046

Carl Sandburg College is committed to a campus-wide approach to safety, security, and the well-being of our faculty, staff, students and the overall campus community. The college demonstrates this commitment through the implementation of various safety and security initiatives.

Although the vast majority of our students, faculty, staff and visitors do not experience crime at Carl Sandburg College, crime sometimes occurs despite our best efforts. The best protection against campus crime is an aware, informed and alert campus community that reports crime and suspicious behavior in a timely manner while using reason and caution during their daily activities.

As part of the overall effort to prevent crime, the college uses the following resources:

  • A 24/7 campus public safety personnel presence. The college also has a strong working relationship with the Galesburg Police Department. Officers can be dispatched from city locations to campus within minutes.
  • More than 24 emergency call boxes, which serve as a direct, indoor/outdoor link to campus Public Safely from almost everywhere on campus.
  • State-of-the-art security camera monitoring system with more than 90 cameras placed in various locations throughout all Sandburg campuses that are recorded 24 hours a day.
  • Sustainable Security Program (SSP) provides updated and continual training for faculty, staff and security personnel to ensure the safety/security policies and procedures in place are best for the college community.
  • The development and implementation of a Campus Behavioral Intervention/Threat Assessment Plan (BIT) which will assist in the early detection and reporting of a student, faculty or staff member who may be of harm to themselves, others or a threat to the safe environment of the college.


Policy from Illinois law
(110 ILCS 12/20 b1/2) Campus Security Enhancement Act of 2008


Carl Sandburg College strives to provide a safe learning environment and a way of traveling on campus for persons who find themselves alone and do not feel comfortable traveling alone. It's a well-known fact that walking alone at night increases everyone's risk of being a victim of a crime.

 The Carl Sandburg College Public Safety escort service was developed to provide a proactive measure to this situation. Public Safety Escorts can be reached by calling 309.341.5304.

The Illinois State Police maintain a database of all registered sex offenders in Illinois that you can access using the web. To learn the identity of registered sex offenders on or near campus, or anywhere in Illinois, visit the Sex Offender Database. Once there, you can search by city, county or ZIP code. Our Galesburg campus is in Knox County, the city of Galesburg and in ZIP code 61401. Our Carthage campus is in Hancock County, the city of Carthage and in ZIP code 62321. This information is provided per the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.

  Illinois State Police Sex Offender Database

Carl Sandburg College takes the safety of our students seriously, and we provide services to help those who are struggling with alcohol and drug use. Sandburg offers free counseling services and educational resources to students who need assistance with making sound, well-informed choices when it comes to alcohol use as well as services to students who are struggling with addiction. Please contact the counseling staff in Galesburg at 309.341.5237 and in Carthage at 217.357.3129 to schedule a confidential appointment.

Regulation on substance abuse

The illegal use or abuse of alcohol by students, visitors or employees is prohibited on Carl Sandburg College property or activities. Student, visitor or employee behavior that is disruptive or dangerous as a result of the consumption of alcohol will not be tolerated, and such behavior should be reported to the supervising vice president. The college administration strives to maintain a drug-free campus for all college employees and students. Educational programs are offered to ensure all college individuals are aware of the issues concerning the use and abuse of alcohol. This will include:

  • 1) The dangers of alcohol abuse
  • 2) The policy of the college concerning an alcohol-free school and workplace
  • 3) The community resources for alcohol counseling and rehabilitation programs
  • 4) The penalties that may be imposed upon students or employees for violations of the college regulation on alcohol.

If a student or employee feels he/she has a problem with alcohol, the college will assist in a program that helps with this type of problem. Students with such a problem should notify the chief student services officer or a counselor. Employees should contact their immediate supervisor or Human Resources. Pending or subsequent to any legal penalties that could be imposed, the immediate supervisor or chief student services officer may require participation in a recognized alcohol rehabilitation program approved by the college. If the student/employee refuses, disciplinary action may be taken and could include:

  • 1. A verbal warning
  • 2. A written reprimand
  • 3. Suspension with or without pay for employees or suspension from enrollment at the college for students
  • 4. Termination of employment for employees or expulsion from the college for students

Visitors using alcohol or who are intoxicated from alcohol will be prohibited from using college facilities. If the student or employee finds the disciplinary action unjustified, he/she may elect to file a complaint according to the existing complaint procedures in the college catalog or college policy manual. Faculty may elect to file a complaint according to the Grievance Procedure (Articles 7 & 11) of the Professional Negotiations Agreement. Each employee/student of the college will receive a written copy of the college policy statement and educational programs required by Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) and the requirement that they abide by it. The college administration will review the Regulation on Alcohol biennially to determine its effectiveness and implement changes as needed and to ensure that rehabilitation or disciplinary actions are enforced.

Regulation on alcohol abuse

It is the mission of Carl Sandburg College to provide an environment conducive to learning. The illegal use of controlled substances is harmful to the health of the individual and may hinder learning. Therefore, the illegal use of controlled substances, as well as their manufacture, distribution, dispensation or possession is prohibited on Carl Sandburg College property or as any part of college activities, events, classes, programs or services. The college administration strives to maintain a drug-free campus for all college employees and students. Educational programs are offered to ensure all college individuals have the opportunity to become aware of the issues regarding drug use/abuse, including:

  • 1) The dangers of substance abuse
  • 2) The policy of the college regarding a drug-free school and work place
  • 3) The community resources for drug counseling and rehabilitation programs
  • 4) The penalties that may be imposed upon students or employees for drug-abuse violations.

Students/employees who feel they have a drug-abuse problem are encouraged to ask for assistance so as to be referred to an appropriate drug rehabilitation and treatment program. Students with such problems should notify the chief student services officer or a counselor. Employees should contact their immediate supervisor or Human Resources. Employee or student behavior that is inappropriate, disruptive and/or dangerous as a result of the use of illegal drugs will not be tolerated. Employees/students should report such behavior to the supervising vice president. Pending or subsequent to any legal penalties that may be imposed upon the student or employee, the supervising vice president may require the student or employee to participate satisfactorily in a recognized substance abuse program approved by the college. If the student/employee refuses, disciplinary actions may be taken and could include:

  • 1) A verbal warning
  • 2) A written reprimand
  • 3) Suspension with or without pay for employees or suspension from enrollment at the college for students
  • 4) Termination of employment for employees or expulsion from the college for students
  • 5) Reporting such person to local, state or federal law enforcement agencies

Visitors using, in possession of or under the influence of a controlled substance will be prohibited from using college facilities and/or reported to appropriate law enforcement agencies. If the student or employee finds the disciplinary action unjustified, he/she may elect to file a complaint according to the existing complaint procedures in the college catalog or college policy manual. Faculty may elect to file a complaint according to the Grievance Procedure (Articles 7 & 11) of the Professional Negotiations Agreement. It is further a policy of Carl Sandburg College, District 518, to provide a drug-free work place as defined by the Drug-Free Work Place Act of 1988 (DFWA). Employees are required by the DFWA to report any conviction for a drug-related crime occurring in the work place to their supervising vice president within five days of the date of the conviction. This law does not require reporting of alcohol-related convictions. The college will report that employee to the appropriate federal agencies within 10 days.

Substance abuse/alcohol and other drugs

In accordance with applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations, including the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 and EDGAR Part 86, the unlawful use, possession, manufacture, and/or distribution of alcohol, marijuana and/or any controlled substance while on college-owned or controlled property or at college-sponsored activities is prohibited. For the purposes of this policy, the term “controlled substance” shall refer to all illegal drugs and to legal drugs. The college has a substance abuse awareness program to inform students and employees about:

  • a. The dangers of alcohol and substance abuse
  • b. The college policy of maintaining an alcohol and substance abuse-free environment
  • c. Any available alcohol and substance abuse counseling and rehabilitation assistance programs
  • d. The penalties that may be imposed upon students and employees for alcohol and substance abuse violations occurring at the college. The consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or the possession of opened containers of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on college property.


The college years are a very special time of life. For many students, it's a time of new freedom and choices. It's a time of new personal discovery, and the possibilities for the future are open and endless. Decisions are made daily that profoundly influence a student’s future (e.g, whether to go to class, whether to go to work, whether to study or whether to party). With each decision, consequences — either positive or negative result.

It's no secret that recreational drug use and social drinking are part of the college scene. Students are often faced with peer pressure to experiment with substances such as street drugs, non-prescribed pharmaceuticals, newly emerging synthetic substances and/or alcohol. Some students seem to participate in such activities with little to no apparent consequence. But this is deceptive. The physical and psychological effects of alcohol and drug use/abuse are many and varied. The effects are unpredictable and vary from person to person. Whether a person decides to use alcohol or drugs is a personal decision. But sadly, alcoholism and drug dependence, are not simply a matter of choice. In some respects, substance use is akin to playing Russian roulette. For some, it's a very slippery slope that can lead to full-blown addiction, legal problems, illness, disability or even death. For those with a family history of alcoholism or addiction, the chances of developing a problem increase dramatically.

The following list of potential health risks, although not exhaustive, assists students in making informed decisions about their bodies and health. Health consequences may be immediate or delayed, short-term or long-term. Alcohol and drugs, by design, produce physical and/or psychological change(s) and can interfere with the brain's ability to take in, sort and synthesize information. Simply stated, alcohol and drugs are toxins, and therefore toxic to the human body.

Potential risks:

Academic risks

  • Poor academic performance
  • Unwanted pregnancy
  • Impact on future career prospects
  • Memory loss
  • Impaired judgment
  • Poor hand and eye coordination
  • Poor concentration

Mental health risks

  • May exacerbate pre-existing conditions
  • Psychological dependence
  • Increased risk of suicide

May also cause:

  • Depression
  • Paranoia
  • Anxiety
  • Anger

Physical risks

  • Physical dependence and/or drug tolerance
  • Violent behavior and aggressive acts
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Muscle weakness
  • Liver, lung and kidney problems
  • Brain damage
  • Hallucinations, tremors and convulsions
  • Hyperactivity or sluggish behavior
  • High blood pressure
  • Seizures
  • Strokes
  • Heart attacks, cardiac arrest and/or respiratory arrest
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Unwanted sexual activity (e.g., date rape)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS
  • Painful withdrawal symptoms (tremors, panic attacks, chills, sweating, muscle cramps, etc.).

Helpful informational resources:

Health effects

Emerging trends with great health risk

Understanding use vs. addiction

Information summarized from the following sources:



Understanding why people use alcohol and drugs can help prevent abuse. Knowing the underlying reasons for use and the payoff involved can help people start to explore alternative ways to get their needs met. Many people are unaware of why they use it. Seeking the help of a professional is sometimes needed. Counselors, advisors, pastors, teachers, etc., can help people understand the payoff of substance use and assist in the exploration of alternative methods to get the same payoff. Although substance use is never encouraged, it should be noted that not all people who use substances will develop a problem.

Young people are most vulnerable to alcohol and drug abuse during times of transition. College is a huge transitional period when young people are confronted with many new emotional and social challenges. When asked why they use, young people most commonly respond that they want to change the way they feel, or to get high.

Other possible reasons include:

  • Escape school and family pressures
  • Low self-esteem
  • Acceptance by peers
  • Difficulty adjusting to change
  • To feel adult-like or sophisticated
  • Curiosity
  • Perception of low risk associated with alcohol and drug use
  • Availability of alcohol or drugs
  • Self-medicating a mental health disorder such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression or ADHD
  • Role-modeled behavior by family members, friends, and/or public figures or entertainers
  • Boredom
  • Stress relief
  • The rationalization that prescription medication is approved by a doctor
  • Unintentional dependence due to medication prescribed for an injury
  • Attempts to cover painful past memories
What can you do to protect yourself and reduce the risk of alcohol and drug problems?

The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. cite the following 10 tips:

  1. Don’t be afraid to say no. Sometimes, our fear of negative reaction from our friends, or others we don’t even know, keeps us from doing what we know is right. Real simply, it may seem like “everyone is doing it,” but they are not. Don’t let someone else make your decisions for you. If someone is pressuring you to do something that's not right for you, you have the right to say no, the right not to give a reason why and the right to just walk away.
  2. Connect with your friends, and avoid negative peer pressure. Pay attention to who you are hanging out with. If you're hanging out with a group in which the majority of kids are drinking alcohol or using drugs to get high, you may want to think about making some new friends. You may be headed toward an alcohol and drug problem if you continue to hang around others who routinely drink alcohol, smoke marijuana, abuse prescription drugs or use illegal drugs. You don't have to go along to get along.
  3. Make connections with your parents or other adults. As you grow up, having people you can rely on, people you can talk to about life, life’s challenges, and your decisions about alcohol and drugs is very important. The opportunity to benefit from someone else’s life experiences can help put things in perspective and can be invaluable.
  4. Enjoy life, and do what you love. Don’t add alcohol and drugs. Learn how to enjoy life and the people in your life, without adding alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and drugs can change who you are, limit your potential and complicate your life. Too often, “I’m bored” is just an excuse. Get out, and get active in school and community activities such as music, sports, arts or a part-time job. Giving back as a volunteer is a great way to gain perspective on life.
  5. Follow the family rules about alcohol and drugs. As you grow up and want to assume more control over your life, having the trust and respect of your parents is very important. Don’t let alcohol and drugs come between you and your parents. Talking with Mom and Dad about alcohol and drugs can be very helpful.
  6. Get educated about alcohol and drugs.You cannot rely on the myths and misconceptions out there floating around among your friends and on the internet. Your ability to make the right decisions includes getting educated. Visit Learn About Alcohol and Learn About Drugs. As you learn, share what you're learning with your friends and family.
  7. Be a role model, and set a positive example. Don’t forget, what you do is more important than what you say! You'ree setting the foundation and direction for your life; where are you headed?
  8. Plan ahead. As you make plans for a party or going out with friends, plan ahead. Protect yourself, and be smart. Don’t become a victim of someone else’s alcohol or drug use. Make sure there is someone you can call, day or night — no matter what — if you need them. And, do the same for your friends.
  9. Speak out/speak up/take control. Take responsibility for your life, your health and your safety. Speak up about what alcohol and drugs are doing to your friends and your community, and encourage others to do the same.
  10. Get help! If you or someone you know is in trouble with alcohol or drugs, get help. Don’t wait. You're not alone.

Information summarized from the following resources:



Alcohol and drug addiction resources

Crisis hotlines, support groups, counseling and/or treatment programs

Information and crisis hotlines

Abater Addiction and Mental Health Hotline - 24-hour crisis line for drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis. Crisis counseling and referral. 800.511.9225.

Addiction Recovery USA - Alcoholism information & treatment 888.821.5243

Recovery Referral Service - 888.887.5217

Drug Abuse & Addiction Centers - 888.279.6932

Addiction Center


Start Your Recovery

Support groups

Alateen - Support for children who have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Galesburg meetings for children ages 11 to 19 meet on Thursdays, 5 p.m. at Bridgeway. Meetings are available for Churchill and Lombard Jr. High School students at the schools during the academic year. Visit niafg.org or call 309.342.0146.

Alcoholics Anonymous - Usually one or more meetings daily in Galesburg, Monmouth, Knoxville, Oquawka and Abingdon. Times and locations vary; call 24-hour answering services at 309.343.1530 or 309.337.2711 for information or assistance.

Al-Anon Info Service - Support for family and friends of persons who have been affected by someone else’s drinking. For your local group times, visit: niafg.org; alanon.alateen.org, or call 309.342.0146.

Galesburg counselors specializing in addiction counseling

Bridgeway - Outpatient counseling. DUI evaluations and services, treatment services. 2323 Windish Dr., Galesburg. Call 309.344.2323, dial 0, and ask for Intake.

The Consultants - (James and Carolyn Sward) – Outpatient counseling for general addiction issues. DUI evaluations and classes. Email James or Carolyn, or call 309.343.2396.

Healthy Pathways Counseling - April Brobston, LPC (Supervised by Steven Foshay) Specializes in couple’s communication and addiction recovery. Reduced rates to cash clients: $45 individual and $50 for couples. Limited slots for truly needy clients at $25 per session. Bondi Building, 311 East Main Street #205, Galesburg. Email April, or visit aprilbrobston.com. Fax: 309.343.6005. Phone: 309.351.5255.

In-patient treatment programs

Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery at Proctor Hospital - Inpatient and outpatient treatment for all types of addiction. addictionrecov.org. 800.522,3784

Narconon - Need help with addiction? Provides long-term in-patient care. Call 800.556.8885.

Robert Young Mental Health Center - Rock Island 309.779.3000

White Oaks Center - Peoria 309.671.8040 or 309.692.6900

Quad City area alcohol and drug resources

Center for Alcohol and Drug Services - Rock Island 309.788.4571 or East Moline 309.792.1125

Psychological Services, Inc - Moline 309.757.9000

Good Shepherd Foundation - Geneseo 309.944.6205 or 309.944.3258

Bridgeway, Inc - Kewanee 309.852.5541

Alcohol Education and Intervention Services (A.E.I. Services) - Moline 309.644.0224

River Bend Christian Counseling - Moline 309.757.0300

Tri-County Alcohol and Drug Services, LLC - East Moline 309.752.9740

Alcohol and Drug Education Clinic, Inc - Rock Island 309.794.1097

Family Counseling and Psychology Center, P.C., DUI Services - Rock Island 309.788.6374

Alcohol and Drug Educational Services - Rock Island 309.786.2992

Peoria area alcohol and drug resources

Drug Abuse & Addiction Centers - Peoria 309.713.3841

Illinois Alcohol and Drug Evaluation - Peoria 309.692.6277

Alcohol & Drug Evaluation Service - Peoria 309.692.9236

Teen Challenge Illinois - Peoria 309.673.3716

Chapin & Russell Associates - Peoria 309.279.5624

Alcohol & Drug Professionals - Pekin 309.346.2002

Peoria Alcohol & Drug Rehab - Pekin 309.270.1491

Alcohol & Drug Professionals - Canton 309.649.1002

DUI Countermeasures Inc - Peoria 309.676.7868

Tap Resources, Inc - Peoria 309.676.8762

Lisa M Birdoes - Peoria Heights 309.589.0910

Robert E Lewis - Peoria Heights 309.682.0566

Richardson Counseling Ctr - Bartonville 309.633.1030

DUI Countermeasures Inc - Pekin 888.212.3414

North Central Behavioral Health Systems - Canton 309.647.1881

Health Directions Mental Health Services - Canton 800.288.5912

White Oaks - Peoria 309.671.8040 or 309.692.6900

Human Service Center - Peoria 309.689.3051

Robert E Lewis Psychologist - Peoria 309.682.0566

Other resources

Rx dangers - Practical drug, device & healthcare safety information. rxdangers.com/

Alcohol Addiction Center - Resources for alcoholics and problem drinkers. alcoholaddictioncenter.org/alcoholism-resources

Carl Sandburg College has four 15-passenger shuttles and two seven-passenger minivans for reservation. These vehicles are used for athletic events, field trips, meetings, etc. A valid driver's license is required. Seat belts must be worn at all times. Cell phones must be used with a hands-free device. No texting or emailing with a cell phone is permitted while driving.

Vehicle reservations are made thru Astra scheduling. Vehicles are always reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. If there are any conflicts, the college reserves the right to decide which event comes first based on the needs of the college. If all vehicles are reserved, a rental car can be reserved by calling the administrative assistant in Business Services at 309.341.5235. A seven-day notice is required prior to renting a vehicle thru Enterprise.

After receiving confirmation from Astra, the keys and trip log may be picked up for the vehicle no earlier than eight hours prior to departure.

Please contact Public Safety upon your return to campus. The keys and trip log must be returned to Public Safety. Please check the vehicle for belongings, and ensure all trash is removed from the vehicle.

Never assume the vehicle is available for more than the time reserved. Reservations are often booked close together. If a problem arises, and you are unable to return by the time allotted, please contact Public Safety immediately so other arrangements may be made if needed.


Statement of purpose

In response to the enactment of the Illinois Smoke-Free Campus Act, the Carl Sandburg College Board of Trustees has amended Board Policy 2.16 Smoke-Free Campus. Carl Sandburg College is committed to creating a clean, safe and healthy learning and working environment for all students, faculty, staff and visitors. The success of this policy will depend upon the cooperation of all faculty, staff and students to comply with this policy and to encourage others to comply with the policy, to promote a clean, safe and healthy environment in which to work and study.


Board policy covers all campus facilities, grounds, college-owned or leased vehicles and vehicles on campus. This guideline shall apply to all persons, including students, faculty, staff, administrators, outside contractors, vendors and the general public, and is applicable 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The Board of Trustees prohibits the use of tobacco anywhere on its campuses. This includes all campus facilities, grounds, college-owned or leased vehicles and vehicles on campus. This policy applies to all persons including faculty, staff, administrators, outside contractors, vendors and the general public.

 Tobacco means any lighted or unlighted cigarette (clove, bidis, kreteks), cigars, cigarillos, pipes, hookah products and any other smoking product. This also includes smokeless, spit or spitless, dissolvable or inhaled tobacco products including but not limited to: Dip, chew, snuff or snus, in any form (orbs, sticks, pellet, etc.). This includes electronic cigarettes.

 The president is authorized to develop procedures to implement this policy.

Violations and enforcement (in accordance with Regulation 2.16.1)

  1. The campus shall post notices bearing the message “Smoke-free campus” or the international “No tobacco” symbol or similar signage at critical areas across the campus, such as at building entrances. However, this policy applies to all campus property whether or not such notices are posted.
  2. Organizers of and attendees at public events, such as conferences, meetings, public lectures, social events, cultural events and sporting events, as well as non-college events held on campus property must abide by this policy. Organizers of such events are responsible for informing attendees of this policy.
  3. An individual may inform someone smoking on campus property of this policy and request that the smoker comply with the policy. Noncompliant individuals who are perceived as threatening or violent may be referred to the Department of Public Safety.
  4. Individuals found to be non-compliant will be subject to existing campus disciplinary measures:
  • For students, such non-compliance will be referred to the vice president of student services for discipline under the Student Code of Conduct.
  • For employees, such non-compliance will be referred to the employee's supervisor or Human Resources, as applicable for disciplinary action according to the current SEA contract.
  • For contractors and subcontractors, such non-compliance will be referred to the campus unit responsible for monitoring the performance of the applicable contract.
  • Visitors and members of the public who refuse to comply with this policy may be asked to leave campus.

Inside the broken yellow line is considered Carl Sandburg College and must comply with the no-smoking policy.

Galesburg Campus
2400 Tom L. Wilson Blvd. Galesburg, IL 61401

  Galesburg Smoke Map

Annex campus
209 E Main St Galesburg, IL 61401

  Annex Smoke Map

Carthage Campus
305 Sandburg Dr., Carthage, IL 62321

Carthage Smoke Map 

 Resources to stop smoking

Research shows that many successful quitters develop a plan before they begin.

Here are some resources recommended by experts on smoking cessation:

  • Tobacco Treatment Center, Outpatient Care Center, University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System, 312.413.4244. Covered by most insurance plans.
  • Illinois Tobacco Quit Line, Illinois Department of Public Health and American Lung Association of Illinois, 866.QUIT.YES (866.784.8937). A free resource that offers a free "quit kit" as well as support via online chat or phone with tobacco-treatment counselors.
  • Become an Ex, a website developed by a nonprofit organization in partnership with the Mayo Clinic. Its free services include tools to create a personalized plan to stop smoking, blogs and online discussions.
  • Smokefree.gov, a website of the National Cancer Institute, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Besides information on how to quit, it offers free services that include a text messaging program and ways to show support for friends and family who are trying to quit.
  • Tips from former smokers, a free website of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that includes stories from people who quit successfully.
  • quityes.org/
  • smokefree.gov/
  • idph.state.il.us/smokefree/sf_quit.htm
  • lung.org/

Name of person making report

Public Safety Team

TJ Pendleton

Sandburg graduate who enjoys playing basketball and fishing.

Todd Dennison

I am a Sandburg graduate. I enjoy sports.