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Network access issue updates

4:10 p.m.

Our IT team has stabilized the college’s network and is in the process of bringing services back to normal capacity. At this point, the network is accessible, but it’s possible that intermittent disruptions may still occur until the issue is fully resolved. If you encounter a problem accessing the network over the weekend, contact Public Safety, and they will relay your issue to a member of our IT team. If you have difficulty accessing mySandburg or Moodle during the work week, contact Tech Help.

Answers to FAQs you may have regarding recent network issues can be found on this page. If you have a question or concern that isn’t addressed there, contact Student Development or call 309.341.5237.


3:23 p.m.

Our IT team continues to work with a technician on-site to diagnose and resolve our network issues. We have isolated the problem to an equipment issue and have verified that our network remains secure. Users can continue to expect disruptions as technicians work.

We’ll provide additional updates on this page as they become available.

This issue has prompted several questions and concerns from students. Responses to some of the most frequently asked ones are answered here. If you have a question or concern that isn’t addressed here, contact Student Development or call 309.341.5237.

I have assignments that are due soon or overdue, but I haven’t been able to access the network. Will these interruptions affect my grade?
Our faculty are aware of these recent network issues. With that in mind, they’ve been asked to be flexible and show grace to students who haven’t been able to access the network as they normally would. Maintain good communication with your instructors to let them know if you’ve experienced issues that would cause you to have an assignment turned in late.

How can I contact my instructor if I can’t access my email through the network?
You’re still able to access your Sandburg email via Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft 365, even if there are network interruptions.

Do we know when there will be outages or interruptions to the network and how long they’ll last?
Unfortunately, we’re unable to know when these interruptions will occur or how long they’ll last when they do occur.

I schedule my schoolwork around my job and my family. How am I expected to complete my assignments if I don’t know when the network will be available?
We understand that students have personal commitments outside of school. Maintain good communication with your instructors to let them know if you’re unable to access the network when you planned to complete coursework.

Is this the result of a cyberattack?
No. This is an internal network issue. There’s no outside influence causing these disruptions, and everyone’s personal information remains secure.


9:56 a.m

Our IT team continues to work with a technology consultant to address the instability of our network brought on by internal server issues. As they complete this work, students and employees should expect to experience unstable connections. Unfortunately, we don’t know when these disruptions will occur, and it’s unclear how long they’ll last when they do occur.   

We’re aware of how disruptive and stressful this has been for our campus community, and we’re thankful to our students, faculty and staff who’ve continued to persist despite these challenges.

Students, communicate with your instructors for questions regarding classes and assignments. For assistance with registration or student account issues, contact or 309.341.5237. Employees, consult with your direct supervisor for any questions you may have. We’ll communicate additional updates as they become available.