Budgets & financial information


Carl Sandburg College budget

The annual budget serves as the financial plan for all funds of the college. It has been developed using a comprehensive, quality-enhancing approach designed to make the budget easily understood.

We believe the budget information presents the college's future plans and financial impact and includes information suggested by the Board of Trustees, community members and staff. All interested parties are encouraged to interact with the college administration. Interaction among interested groups consistently leads to operational and educational improvements. View the 2025 budget here in PDF format.


2024 Budget  2023 Budget  2022 Budget  2021 Budget  2020 Budget  2019 Budget   2018 Budget  

2017 Budget  2016 Budget  2015 Budget  2014 Budget  2013 Budget  2012 Budget   2011 Budget   

2010 Budget  2009 Budget  2008 Budget  2007 Budget  2006 Budget  2005 Budget    


Carl Sandburg College financial report

The college's financial reports are prepared in accordance with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) principles, which establish standards for external financial reporting for public colleges and universities. These standards also require that financial statements be presented on a consolidated basis to focus on the college as a whole. View the 2023 financial report here in PDF format and 2023 Annual Data Enrollment Report.


2022 Report    2021 Report    2020 Report    2019 Report    2018 Report    2017 Report    2016 Report   

2015 Report     2014 Report    2013 Report    2012 Report    2011 Report    2010 Report    2009 Report   

2008 Report   2007 Report    2006 Report    2005 Report    2004 Report    2003 Report 


Employee contracts

President's Contract 2023-2027