If you wish to attend college-sponsored events or appointments, such as graduation, visiting speakers, student life events, advising appointments, club meetings, etc., and face accessibility barriers due to a disability, please complete this form at least five business days prior to the event to request an accommodation.
Carl Sandburg College will make all reasonable efforts to provide accommodations. For some accommodations, such as requests for sign language interpretation, more advance notice may be necessary.
This form does not take the place of a Letter of Accommodation (LOA) for a current student's academic accommodations, and LOAs don't necessarily ensure accommodation services at college events and appointments.
If you need assistance completing this form, require an alternate version of this form, or have questions or concerns about the use of this form or the college's accommodation procedures, please email the coordinator of academic support services at 309.341.5262 (TTY: 309.341.5400).