Students living in the Sandburg District, whose permanent address is outside the district, may apply for a waiver of the out-of-district portion of tuition. Students on a temporary visa are not eligible to participate.


How to apply

  1. Submit the 2023-2024 Out-of-District/State Tuition Waiver Request Form prior to the first day of the semester.

  2. Submit a lease meeting the following criteria:
    1. Lease must be signed by BOTH the student and landlord.
    2. Lease must be signed at least 30 days prior to the first day of the semester.
    3. Lease must be for a residence within Community College District 518 to waive out-of-district/state tuition.


Billing example

  • Tuition is billed in two components: In-district and out-of-district.
  • A financial-aid award (TIDAJ) equal to the out-of-district amount will be applied to the account to offset the out-of-district portion.


Reapply annually

  • Students need to reapply with a new lease and request form each academic year.